Firmenprofil Dhanyaa - Quartier Sous-Gare im Branchenportal
rue du Simplon 13
1006 Lausanne VD
Tel.: 021 617 24 60
Fax: 021 617 24 60
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Dhanyaa - Quartier Sous-Gare für den HELP Award 2025 bewerten

Dhanyaa, The Indian Vegetarian Take Away
Dhanyaa is a little oasis in Lausanne for those seeking healthy, vegetarian food which is also delicious, and delightful to the eyes and nose
Established on December 1, 1999, Dhanyaa is located in the pedestrian section of the Rue du Simplon, very close to the southern entrance to the Station of Lausanne.
Dhanyaa is the only purely vegetarian address in all of French-speaking Switzerland (according to the list of the SVA). It is also a refreshing surprise for those appreciative of a spiritual ambience.
Our dishes are preferably prepared with organically grown produce. As far as possible we avoid using butter and ghee, so that vegans may enjoy the dhanyaa experince. The indian cuisine is eclectic, traditional as well as exotic. It's of ayurvedic rather than macrobiotic tendency, naturally.
Each day, we offer, to take out, 6 to 7 freshly prepared dishes.
For your celebrations, parties, we request that you place your order, by telephone, at the latest 48 hours in advance.
Sehen Sie hier das Unternehmens-Firmenprofil von Dhanyaa - Quartier Sous-Gare in Lausanne (Waadt) mit der Telefonnummer 021 617 24 60. Dieses Firmenporträt hat die ID HLP-23-90987.
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